Poker database is very important part of the game system for monitoring and administration day by day in poker to a room necessary for operation. We will consider poker database as in essence, the general storehouse and the dynamic data, such as game of records, financial operations etc., and the static data, such as a profile of the user, game etc. and properties which are widely used almost in each subsystem. The game system uses database Oracle.

Database in poker has following prominent features:
• The Scheme is developed so that to keep it flexible scaled and it is easy to serve, keeping integrity of the data, productivity, simplicity and normalization in a kind.

• Each basic table in system has the corresponding table of magazine for tracing of changes in a specification.

• Indexes are chosen to receive carefully the best productivity without accounting search strongly inserts on productivity.

• Poker database is accessible from the appendices using that our programmers name as hardly-mechanic JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Connection Pool API.

• Query Applications manipulate data with the help of safe procedures to keep access to the data of pure and consecutive modules of the appendix, at the same time centralization of all business logicians in database poker.

• Poker Base has in total more than 300 tables with more than 600 safe procedures.

Some important tables in poker Database:

T_USER: It is the primary table which contains a profile of the user in a detail, as, a name of the user, the password, first surname, Email-ID, the address, and also other necessary information, as user ID of the Partner, Referrer, last access of time etc.

T_GAME_LIVE: It writes down the information on each game on a game site, as quantity, table type, a table name, time, the general rake etc.

T_PLAYER: It writes down game information as the rate wins, rake payments, etc. each game of each user.

T_INVESTIGATION: It is the basic table for gathering of results of a command in poker research about the user and his/her activity on this site and helps for swindle and control arrangement.

T_Wallet_Transaction: This table records real money of all users’ operations as purchases, bath, bonuses etc.

T_BONUS_RULE: This primary table which reflects various advertising bonuses of installation schemes in system.

T_TOURNAMENT: It writes down the information on each tournament played a site, as well as time, tournament type, a table name etc.

Database poker is rather important component of game system. It demands special group first, designs poker database and then operates and supports it 24 / 7. It gives absolute inputs for all commands of management of transactions, servicing and struggles against swindle, and so on.

Lin Van is the vice-president on business development in cybernetic International, Hong Kong company which specializes in creation of game and poker-client.

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